Is your skin uneven, bumpy and dull? With a few changes to your skincare routine, such as exfoliating, hydrating, and incorporating SPF you can counteract the effects of textured skin and prevent it from occurring in the future. 

What Causes Textured Skin?

A full skin cycle is said to take from two to six weeks, but harmful radiation from the sun, free radicals from air pollution, and particles of dust and dirt can throw your skin’s healthy maintenance cycle out of balance.

If not properly shed, dead skin cells can build up on the surface leading to a dull complexion, discoloration, clogged pores and a rough, bumpy texture. 

Here are a few simple adjustments to your routine that can help support cellular turnover and improve your skin’s texture. 

1. Exfoliate Regularly

Since dead skin cell buildup is the greatest cause of textured skin, we recommend consistent yet gentle exfoliation.

Exfoliation, the process of removing dead skin cells from your skin, can be done with physical or chemical exfoliants. Physical exfoliants use particles to manually separate dead skin cells from living cells. Some physical exfoliants like nut shells can be sharp and abrasive. At LINNÉ we use finely-milled, uniformly shaped bamboo silica to ensure effective yet relatively gentle skin polishing. 

Chemical exfoliants such as those found in a chemical peel, use enzymes or acids to dissolve the bond between dead and fresh cells. Aggressive formulas can cause inflammation and irritation. 

At LINNÉ we use a skin-friendly dose of glycolic and lactic acid coming from sugar cane, sugar maple and bilberry. The addition of calming chamomile and anti-inflammatory turmeric allow SCRUB to remain as gentle as it is hardworking. 

While regular exfoliation may be the key to preventing textured skin, it is important to remember that when it comes to exfoliation, less is more. Keep in mind, while a luminous complexion is desirable, the “glass skin” craze is potentially harmful. Hyper smooth, shiny skin that feels like plastic is a sign that you may have gone overboard with exfoliation. 

Also, one should not confuse plump, hydrated skin with swollen skin that is inflamed due to a disruption in the lipid barrier. Truly toned skin maintains a healthy content of elastin and collagen, but over exfoliation too can degrade elastin and collagen, which will make the face feel tight. Using LINNÉ’s SCRUB face mask once or twice a week is an appropriate and safe way to promote healthy cellular turnover and promote collagen production.

2. Hydrate Your Skin

Dry skin is a skin type that often occurs when the body does not produce enough natural oils resulting in itchiness, redness, flakiness and increased incidence of dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. Dehydrated skin however is a temporary condition in which the skin lacks water. This can occur in dry and oily skin types and manifests as congestion, sensitivity, dullness, lack of elasticity and oiliness. 

For dry skin we recommend oils and balms, but for dehydrated skin we recommend products containing hydrators and humectants such as REFRESH mineral mist and RENEW serum. RENEW is loaded with hydrating ingredients, and is best followed with one of our face oils to lock in moisture and prevent dryness. 

You can also hydrate your skin from the inside out. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat hydrating foods like leafy greens. Drinking alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks conversely can leave your skin dry, rough and dull.

3. Incorporate SPF Into Your Skincare Routine

Excessive sun exposure can also lead to textured skin. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays can damage your skin cells and disrupt your skin’s natural turnover cycle. This disrupted balance can lead to skin roughness and uneven texture.

We believe a little dose of vitamin D can benefit the skin, but if you plan to spend extended time outdoors, even on an overcast day, you may want to apply SPF or wear protective clothing. Choose a day cream or sunscreen with an SPF of 30 and be sure to reapply throughout the day as necessary. 

4. Update Your Skincare Products

Exfoliation, hydration, and sun protection are the three most significant ways to prevent and reduce the appearance of textured skin. There are also a few powerful ingredients and products that can give your skin’s texture a revamp.

Facial Oil

Oily skin can lead to breakouts and blemishes that compromise the texture of your skin. One way to help regulate the facial sebum is to apply facial oil. Although this might sound counterintuitive, the appropriate facial oils can help rebalance the overproduction of sebum and keep your skin healthy. 

Consider using a face oil such as LINNÉ’s BALANCE facial oil, which as the name suggests, is formulated to bring oil production into harmony. Thanks to hardworking ingredients such as organic hazelnut, tamanu, sage, and turmeric oils, when used daily, BALANCE will help both dry and oily skin types maintain a clear, calm and nourished complexion. 

Vitamin C

In addition to UV rays, other environmental factors, such as pollution and harsh chemicals can produce free radicals within the body. If the amount of free radicals exceeds the body’s antioxidant defense system, an inflammatory response may occur, contributing to impaired skin cell function and a loss of collagen and elastin fibers. This in turn can lead to texture changes, wrinkling, fine lines, saggy skin, discoloration and even acne.

Fortunately these free radicals can be neutralized by increasing the body’s antioxidant profile. Your body naturally produces some antioxidants, and others can be added through the foods we eat and the products we apply. 

Vitamin C is a key nutrient that provides an antioxidant boost to the body. Using skincare products with vitamin C will add antioxidants to your skin and help brighten your skin’s appearance. Vitamin C is also an essential cofactor in collagen synthesis, so increasing your vitamin C intake will also help repair collagen and elastin loss caused by oxidative stress. 

Our RENEW serum is rich in the extract of Kakadu plum, an Australian native plant known to have the highest content of Vitamin C of any edible plant on the planet. It is also loaded with other key antioxidants such lycopene, beta carotene, rutin, ubiquinone, anthocyanin, and alpha lipoic acid.


The body naturally produces collagen, but as we age, collagen production slows down. This begins to happen in our mid-20’s and can ultimately lead to thinning of all three layers of our skin - the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis - as well as weakening of connective tissue, muscle, bone and hair. 

It’s no surprise then that collagen-fortified skincare products have become a huge marketing tool. Unfortunately, despite many misleading claims, collagen’s molecular weight is too large to penetrate the top layer of skin. While these products may help hydrate, they cannot stimulate collagen synthesis or growth. 

To successfully promote collagen, in addition to supplementing with Vitamin C and other antioxidants, we recommend weekly exfoliation with glycolic acid. A smaller molecule than lactic and other hydroxy acids, glycolic is able to penetrate the skin’s surface and stimulate fibroblasts to produce more collagen. Glycolic acid is a key ingredient in our SCRUB face mask. 

While not absorbed by the skin, we can support our skin from within by eating collagen-rich foods like bone broth or through use of a hydrolyzed collagen powder. There are no vegan or vegetarian collagen sources but a healthy diet full of Vitamin-C rich foods, plant-based proteins, and a diversity of fruits and veggies will support the body in its own collagen synthesis. It is equally beneficial to reduce sugar intake and increase the quality of sleep. As always, establishing healthy daily habits is the best long term solution for vibrant skin and a thriving body. 

Your Guide to Smooth Skin

Understanding the causes of textured skin, both natural and environmental, can help you correct and maintain your desired skin texture. In addition to exfoliating, hydrating, and protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays, try to incorporate products and foods into your skincare routine and diet that support smooth, elastic and healthy skin



How to safely exfoliate at home | AAD 

Chemical peel | Mayo Clinic 

Hydrated skin: Does drinking water help? | Mayo Clinic 

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation |

Sebum | DermNet NZ

Collagen | The Nutrition Source | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health 

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